1 Educations Diploması içinde Yönetim çalışmaları Marka Yönetimi içinde İsveç for 2024

Educations Diploması içinde Yönetim çalışmaları Marka Yönetimi içinde İsveç for 2024Filter
    • Lund, İsveç

    Tam zamanlı

    1 yıl



    Do you want to help businesses gain insight by providing them with trend analysis, consumer and marketing research, business intelligence, scenario planning, strategy and innovation? Graduates from this programme can seek positions in international firms within marketing, strategy, brand and product management, sales and marketing research. The initial fifteen weeks of the programme are organised into two tracks. When applying to this programme, you must also select which track you want to follow, either a more management-oriented perspective or a perspective that puts an emphasis on consumer and cultural aspects.