BSc (Hons) Nursing (Registered Nurse - Adult)
Lincoln, Birleşik Krallık
3 Years
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Dünyanın Her Yerinde Lincoln'ü Keşfedin
Web seminerlerimiz, uzmanlık derslerimiz, soru-cevap oturumlarımız ve öğrenci paneli konuşmalarımız, University of Lincoln yaşamanın ve eğitim görmenin nasıl bir şey olduğunu keşfetmenin harika bir yoludur.
Nurses perform a vital role in 21st Century healthcare, in both primary and secondary care settings, restoring and promoting health, supporting patients and their families, and profiling the healthcare needs of communities.
The University of Lincoln recognises the challenges facing current and future healthcare and nursing practice, offering three distinct nursing programmes specialising in adult, child, learning disabilities, and mental health. Our student nurses played a key role during the Covid-19 pandemic. As well as supporting hospitals and vaccination centres across Lincolnshire, their help played an integral component in the success of the University's Test and Trace Centre. We are extremely proud of our students for their contribution and dedication.
Our professionally-accredited programmes enable students to become registered nurses with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The programmes aim to prepare students to become fit for practice in accordance with the NMC's Standards for Pre-registration Nursing Education and to be eligible to register as a qualified nurse. Students are encouraged to become confident, critically analytical advocates of excellence in nursing practice within their respective specialisms.
The School of Health and Social Care works with employers to provide employees with the opportunity to study for an undergraduate BSc (Hons) Nursing degree through an apprenticeship route, funded by the Government and your employer.
"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"
İlk yıl
- Temel hemşirelik bakımı
- Hemşirelik ve mesleklerarası ekip
- Kişi merkezli, bütünsel yetişkin hemşirelik bakımı
- Kişisel Gelişim ve Dayanıklılık
İkinci yıl
- İhtiyaçların değerlendirilmesi, bakımın planlanması ve koordine edilmesi
- Sağlık Bilimleri
- Sağlığın geliştirilmesi ve hastalıkların önlenmesi
- Bakımın sağlanması ve değerlendirilmesi
Üçüncü yıl
- Sorumlu bir profesyonel olmak (hemşirelik L6)
- Hemşirelik uygulamalarında inovasyondan dönüşüme
- Liderlik ve uygulama eğitimi (hemşirelik)
- Karmaşık yetişkin bakımına liderlik etmek ve yönetmek
Program Sonucu
How You Study
Our nursing courses are offered over three academic years, consisting of 45 weeks of study per year. They utilise a range of teaching and learning styles. Students spend half of their time studying at the University and the other half gaining practical experience in nursing.
The theoretical and clinical elements of the course are centred on the NHS values of working together for patients; respect and dignity; commitment to quality care; compassion; improving lives; and the belief that everyone counts.
First-year modules aim to provide the core foundation skills for adult, child, learning disabilities or mental health nursing, with a focus on the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and social sciences. This is built upon in the second year, where students can develop professional skills and apply ethical principles to rational decision-making.
Derecenin son yılında, öğrenciler karmaşık hemşirelik bakımını yönlendirmenin ve yönetmenin ardındaki teoriyi keşfedebilir ve final projelerine hazırlanırken yenilikçi ve dönüşümsel değişimin teori ve uygulamasını değerlendirebilirler.
Burslar ve fon sağlama
For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. The University of Lincoln offers a variety of merit-based and subject-specific bursaries and scholarships.
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.
Program Öğrenim Ücreti
Kariyer fırsatları
Mezunlar, akut hemşirelikten toplum bakımına veya eğitim, araştırma ve sağlık yönetimine kadar çeşitli sağlık ve sosyal bakım ortamlarında hemşirelik rollerine ilerlemiştir. Bazıları lisansüstü düzeyde daha ileri eğitime devam etti.