3 Educations Diploması içinde Avrupa Hukuku içinde İsveç for 2024

Educations Diploması içinde Avrupa Hukuku içinde İsveç for 2024Filter
    • Stockholm, İsveç

    Tam zamanlı

    1 yıl



    Avrupa Hukuk Araştırmaları alanındaki bu bir yıllık Yüksek Lisans derecesi, iyi yönetim ilkelerine odaklanarak AB hukuk düzeni, bunun İsveç yönetiminde nasıl uygulandığı ve politika alanları için önemi hakkında derinlemesine bilgi sağlar.

    • Lund, İsveç

    Tam zamanlı

    1 yıl



    International trade evolves rapidly. Those interested in doing business within the EU and globally must know the rules governing their business-operations. Contemporary international trade law involves multiple fields of law, which affect all aspects of business. Firms and institutions must constantly be prepared to adapt to new challenges. For example, climate considerations and other issues of sustainability transform the business environment globally. In addition, digitalization, artificial intelligence and automation create new legal issues for businesses and legislatures. The programme, which builds on previous studies in law, management and/or economics, provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and theoretical aspects of trade and tax law within the EU as well as globally.

    • Lund, İsveç

    Tam zamanlı

    2 yıllar



    Scandinavia’s oldest programme in European economic law at Scandinavia’s best-ranked law faculty provides an in-depth understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of European law. It offers an excellent foundation in the EU constitutional framework and in the workings of the most important rules governing how businesses operate in Europe. The programme is taught by expert teachers from Lund University, supported by leading academics from other top-ranked universities, and with input from senior practitioners in key EU institutions, national authorities and leading law firms. With the optional second year, students have extensive possibilities to tailor their studies to suit their interests and future career ambitions.